Anxiety - Frequently Asked Questions

In this post, we're covering the most frequent questions that arise when it comes to dealing with anxiety. If there are things you'd like to know that we do not cover, feel free to reach out.

Should I Use Medicine To Control Anxiety?

The short answer here is that medication can be a useful form of help for some people. It is primarily used to reduce symptoms and that's why it's usually most effective when you combine it with professional therapy. Using medication for anxiety depends on the type of anxiety you are experiencing, and many other individual factors, so if you think medication would be useful for you, you must consult a doctor.

What Are The Different Types Of Anxiety?

Anxiety is not experienced in the same way by everyone. Some people experience mild forms of anxiety while others experience significant distress and really cannot live a normal life because of their symptoms. There are different types of anxiety, with specific symptoms:

Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD): Worrying and rumination are common features of this anxiety disorder. People who struggle with GAD usually worry about all kinds of things and this often interferes with living a normal social life and functioning effectively at work or school.

Panic Disorder: People who routinely experience panic attacks typically fall into this category. These attacks are experienced as sudden bouts of intense fear. They build up quickly and can feel life-threatening.

Phobias: A phobia is the intense and disproportionate fear of an object or a situation relative to its actual level of danger. Common examples include: spiders, heights, flying or public speaking. It depends on the exact nature of the phobia, but phobias are often not as debilitating as other anxiety disorders because they are very specific, therefore only affecting one area of life.

Social Anxiety Disorder: One of the most common types of anxiety is social anxiety disorder. Its root cause is the intense fear of social situations. People who struggle with social anxiety typically avoid being the centre of attention and being criticized and they often worry about doing something wrong or embarrassing themselves.

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Does Anxiety Usually Go Away By Itself?

General anxiety is temporary. It goes away after a while. Chronic conditions, like generalized anxiety disorder, on the other hand, usually do not stop without some help. The interventions, techniques and coping methods for anxiety that are described in some of our other posts, though, are well-validated methods that help many people who suffer.

What Are Some Simple Coping Methods For Anxiety?

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What About People Who've Always Had A Tendency To Feel Nervous And Anxious?

Some people are more prone to anxiety than others. This tendency is the result of our genetic make-up and our upbringing. If you believe that you fall in this category, it doesn't necessarily mean that you have an anxiety disorder. However, you can still benefit from the therapies and the interventions that come with them.

How Do People Get Diagnosed?

Anxiety disorders are typically diagnosed by psychologists, psychiatrists and primary care physicians. They use specific criteria to make this decision (for example, if symptoms occur for half a year (on more days than not) and if they have a significant impact with an individual's daily functioning). Cardiovascular disease, thyroid problems, menopause and substance abuse can all cause anxiety-like symptoms. That's why doctors also perform physical evaluations to rule out other causes for an individual's symptoms.

This post is not intended to give medical advice and does not substitute professional help.